How a Time of Cancellations, Social Distancing, and Uncertainty Can Give Us Empathy for Children in Foster Care

As the world and the United States work to flatten the curve of COVID-19, daily life and our regular routines and schedules have come to a sudden halt. Although there was warning that coronavirus was going to reach the United States, many of us didn’t think how it would impact us. How have you personally reacted to this time of uncertainty? Some have seen it as a vacation, some as stressful, some as frustrating, some as boring, etc. Have you ever considered how this time can relate to what a child in foster care experiences?

When a child is removed from their home, they are also removed from their daily rhythm and routine. They do not see the same friends, family, teachers, doctors, etc. They do not know how long they will be away or where they will ultimately end up. Just like we are adjusting for the greater good, their lives are being altered for their ultimate good but still out of their control. Just like we are searching the news for insight and direction, these children are looking for someone to give them guidance during a difficult time.

This is where a CASA volunteer can come in. CASA volunteers get to know the child on a deeper level. They are not there as a mentor or a friend but as an advocate and a voice. They get to know the whole situation by talking to everyone involved in the child’s life, before and after removal from the home. Always on the mind of the CASA is permanency for the child, whether it be going back home, guardianship with a relative, or adoption. The CASA helps the child carry the burden of the unknown and instability of the current times and let’s them know that they are not alone.

Why not consider taking this time that we as a nation are collectively experiencing a trial to consider how you can make a difference once life returns to normal? Apply here to be a CASA today.

Although you are experiencing some uncertainty, most of us are in the comfort of our own home surrounded by our family. How much more should this make us want to help a child find a permanent home?
